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To reward our loyal customers we are proud to announce our Loyalty Rewards Program - this allows you to earn points on purchases made through our website. The points you have earned can be redeemed at the checkout page on your next order. To start earning points simply look out for the loyalty points icon on selected products to see how many points you can earn when you spend. For every 1 euro you spend you get 1 point. With every 100 points collected we will give you €5 to spend when checking out on your next order.
If you are a new customer and would like to join the Loyalty Rewards Program, create an account here. If you are a returning customer, simply login to your existing account and you will then receive access to the Loyalty Rewards Scheme. Every point = €0.05! You can join Zaky's Loyalty Reward Scheme at any time, all you have to do is create an account.
Make sure you are signed into your account when you place your order to receive your reward points. Once your order is successful your personal account will be credited with the points depending on the total amount spent. 1 Euro = 1 Point. Points will only be transferred into your account once your order is paid and completed. Click here to view your Reward Points.
Once you have exceeded 100 points, you can choose to spend these points on your next purchase. You can redeem these points by proceeding to the checkout page, when you are directed to proceed with your payment you will find a tick box with the title "Use my reward points". Tick the box and proceed with your payment.
Please note that the following items are not eligible for points -
The Website Loyalty Points and the Shop Loyalty Points are separate and not combined together. The Points gained from the website will be recorded in your online account and the points gained when purchasing in-store are recorded on our POS Shop system. Points can be transferred only upon request.
To transfer your points from your online account to your shop account please send an email to [email protected] stating your Full Name and Mobile number.
Customers can also send reward points to each other by using the Share Reward Points section below.
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